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The First ROK-EU Digital Partnership Council Hosted


The Ministry of Science and ICT (“MSIT”; Minister Lee Jong-ho) announced that the First ROK-EU Digital Partnership Council was held on Friday, June 30, at the Sky Hall of the Seoul Central Post Office.

Recognizing that Korea and the European Union are partners that share the same values and that cooperation on establishing global digital norms is important, both sides reviewed the implementation progress in six areas of cooperation — 1) Semiconductors, 2) High Performance Computing (HPC) and Quantum Technologies, 3) Cybersecurity and Trust, 4) Beyond 5G/6G, 5) Artificial Intelligence (AI) and 6) Online & Digital Platform Cooperation — which they had agreed to prioritize among the eleven areas of cooperation* at the signing of the ROK-EU Digital Partnership, and discussed future cooperation measures.

* ▲Collaborative Research, ▲Semiconductors, ▲High Performance Computing (HPC) and Quantum Technologies, ▲Cybersecurity and Trust, ▲Beyond 5G/6G, ▲Skills – Mobility - Digital Inclusion, ▲Artificial intelligence, ▲Online & Digital Platform Cooperation, ▲Data related Laws and Systems, ▲Digital Identity and Trust Services, ▲Digital Trade

In Semiconductors, both sides intend to organize an annual ROK-EU forum for semiconductor researchers, in Korea and in Europe alternatively, to discuss the latest technologies and trends in highly complementary areas to promote cooperation and exchange for semiconductor technology development between Korea and the EU.

In HPC and Quantum Technologies, both sides intend to facilitate access to their respective HPC and quantum infrastructure for researchers between ROK and the EU and promote applied research, through a cooperative Memorandum of Understanding between HPC resource operators in Korea and Europe,

* Quantum Technology Expert Working Group Meeting (Thursday, June 29)

In Cybersecutiry, both sides agreed to continuously increase sharing of cybersecurity policies through channels such as the ROK-EU Cybersecurity Conference 2023, which was held on the same day as the council meeting, and discussed collaborative research and sharing of information on cybersecurity threats.

* ROK-EU Cybersecurity Conference 2023 / Friday, June 30 09:30-18:30 / Grand Hyatt Seoul

In Beyond 5G/6G, both sides took stock of the progress of ROK-EU collaborative research projects, including the new ones for 2024. Korea also shared that the ITU 6G Vision Group (Chair: Choi HyoungJin, Republic of Korea) finalized its Recommendation Framework for 6G Vision. Both sides intend to continue their cooperation throughout all stages of 6G standardization until 2030.

In Artificial Intelligence, both sides intend to establish communication channels to share information on their laws and systems with the aim of defining high-risk AI and realizing trustworthy AI. To promote human-centered and trustworthy AI and maximize the benefits of AI, both sides intend to strengthen diverse ways of cooperation, including cooperation in international fora such as Global Partnership on AI (GPAI).

In Online/Digital Platform Cooperation, both sides recognize the importance of creating an online and digital platform ecosystem with a harmonious balance between innovation, safety, and fairness. They shared their platform-related policies, such as Korea’s Autonomous Platform Regulation“ and the EU’s Digital Markets Act (DMA) and Digital Services Act (DSA), and emphasized the importance of cooperation.

Minister Lee said, “The EU, a leading group in digital technologies, is one of the greatest partners to Korea. I am confident that the First ROK-EU Digital Partnership Council held today will not only strengthen ROK-EU cooperation but also help Korea and the EU become global digital leaders that drive global digital norms together.”

For further information, please contact the Public Relations Division (E-mail: of the Ministry of Science and ICT.

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