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Vice Minister Lee at the Third ROK-U.S. Synthetic Biology Conference

작성자 김현아 등록일시 Nov 29, 2024 조회수 3400


Vice Minister of Lee Chang Yune takes a commemorative photo with the recipients of the Plaque of Appreciation and the Award for Merit in Synthetic Biology Cooperation at the 3rd ROK-U.S. Joint Conference on Synthetic Biology at the Daejeon Convention Center, Yuseong-gu, Daejeon, Korea, on the morning of the October 7, 2024. 

From left to right: Professor Lee Sang Yup of KAIST, President Kim Jang-seong of the Korea Research Institute of Bioscience and Biotechnology (KRIBB), Principal Investigator Nathan Hilsen of the Agile BioFoundry  at Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, Vice Minister Lee Chang-yoon of Science and ICT, Professor Kim Dong-myung of Chungnam National University, Professor Jin Yong-soo of the University of Illinois, and Park Han-oh, CEO of Bioneer. 

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