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MSIT Cooperates with technology powerhouse Germany to strengthen technology sovereignty


On May 25, vice minister for Science, Technology and Innovation, Joo Young-chang, discussed measures to expand bilateral cooperation in strategic technologies with Parliamentary State Secretary to the Federal Minister of Education and Research (BMBF) Jens Brandenburg, in Berlin, Germany.




  This year marks the 140th anniversary of diplomatic relations between Korea and Germany, and since the signing of the Korea-Germany Science and Technology Cooperation Agreement in 1986, MSIT and BMBF have continued to cooperate through the Joint Committee on Science, Industry and Technology. Recently, on May 21, President Yoon Seok-yul and German Chancellor Olaf Scholz held a summit and agreed to deepen bilateral solidarity and cooperation in responding to international issues.




  The meeting with the German Deputy Minister for Political Affairs of the BMBF was a quick follow-up to the meeting between the Korean President Yoon Suk Yeol and the German Chancellor Olaf Scholz, and was organized to further expand the horizons of science and technology cooperation and bring together the strength of Korea and Germany in the era of technological hegemony competition faced by both countries.




  At the meeting, vice minister Joo explained Korea's "12 Strategic National Technology Development Strategies," while state secretary Jens introduced the details of Germany's "Future Strategy for Research and Innovation," released in February this year.




  The two sides confirmed the similarity of the two countries' policy directions to cope with the era of technological hegemony, and reached a consensus on the need to cooperate in future research on "strategic technology development policies" between Korea and Germany. Accordingly, it was decided to strengthen the strategic partnership on strategic technologies, starting with joint research between the two countries' science and technology policy think tanks.




  Based on today's meeting, the two countries will continue practical discussions and materialize the partnership through the Joint Korea-Germany Committee on Science, Technology and Industry to be held in the second half of this year.




  On the same morning, vice minsiter Joo also attended the Korea-Germany Forum on Technology Sovereignty to reinforce the two countries' commitment to cooperation. The event, co-hosted by the Korea Science and Technology Assessment Institute and the Fraunhofer-ISI Institute in Germany, was organized for in-depth discussions between experts from both countries on strategies for bilateral S&T cooperation to secure technological sovereignty. In his keynote speech, vice minister Joo emphasized the importance of bilateral cooperation to establish technological sovereignty, and called for the forum to continue as an initiative to this end.




  MSIT announced, "vice minister Joo's visit to Germany aims at searching for an optimal partner for establishing technological sovereignty. MSIT will continue to develop available cooperation measures based on government cooperation channels such as the 7th Korea-Germany Joint Committee on Science, Technology and Industry scheduled for the second half of this year."








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