Leading the Digital Transformation with AI,
Pioneering the Future through Science and Technology
The Ministry of Science and ICT aims to strengthen growth engines based on science and digital technologies, reform the R&D system and talent nurturing to prepare for the future, revitalize the economy through science and technology for public welfare through nine core initiatives, and promote innovation in the way of working.
1. (AI) Establishing a National AI Computing Center, improving regulations on data centers, and creating a policy fund for AI and emerging industries (KRW 810 billion)
2. (Strategic Technologies) Building a public biofoundry, launching a 1,000-qubit quantum computer project, and conducting the fourth Nuri rocket launch
3. (Technology Commercialization) Developing a national R&D commercialization strategy and fostering specialized companies
4. (Pioneering R&D) Increasing investment in 12 core strategic technologies (29.8% of R&D in 2025 → 35% by 2027)
5. (Basic Research) Providing record-high funding for basic research (KRW 2.93 trillion) and designating 10 new Global Top Strategic Research Groups
6. (Talent Development) Expanding financial support for researchers and creating youth employment opportunities in AI and digital fields
7. (Public Welfare) Combating digital crimes (e.g., voice phishing), supporting small businesses, and enhancing digital inclusion and telecom benefits
8. (Safety) Establishing on-site application of a comprehensive digital disaster management system and operating a 24-hour monitoring system for cyber threats
9. (Regional Development) Promoting the enactment of the Regional Science and Technology Innovation Act and accelerating AI transformation (AX) in regional strategic sectors
(Work Innovation) Rapid budget execution (76.3% by the first half) and strengthening cross-ministerial collaboration (technology commercialization, youth support, digital crimes)
The Ministry of Science and ICT (MSIT, Minister Yoo Sang-im) presented its Work Plan for 2025 to Acting President and Deputy Prime Minister for Economic Affairs Choi Sang-mok on Monday, January 13.
This work plan, under the vision of "Leading the Digital Transformation with AI, Pioneering the Future through Science and Technology," is structured around three policy directions: strengthening growth engines based on science, technology, and digital infrastructure; innovating R&D systems and nurturing talent to prepare for the future; and enhancing public welfare and driving economic vitality through science and technology. The plan is composed of nine core policy initiatives:
➊ Making Full Efforts to Become One of the Top 3 Global AI Leaders
As the ministry overseeing AI, the MSIT will leverage the enactment of the AI Framework Act (December 2024) to rapidly establish infrastructure necessary for full-scale industrial growth. It will also enhance technological competitiveness while driving private-sector growth and investment in AI and other emerging industries.
The ministry will actively pursue the establishment of a National AI Computing Center through public-private partnerships and revise regulations related to the construction of essential infrastructure, such as data centers. A comprehensive AI Computing Infrastructure Master Plan will be formulated by the first quarter of 2025.
To ensure balanced development between innovation and safety, the MSIT will accelerate the preparation of subordinate regulations under the AI Framework Act by the first half of 2025. It will also design and implement follow-up systems, including safety management standards for high-impact AI and innovative measures such as deepfake watermarking (to be implemented by January 2026).
Additionally, a KRW 1 trillion AGI(Artificial General Intelligence) Development Project will be planned and launched. To support the growth of AI transformation (AX) startups and emerging industry companies, the ministry will provide policy funds totaling KRW 810 billion in 2025 along with policy financing.
AI will be newly designated as a national strategic technology under tax law, with enhanced tax incentives to encourage investment. The MSIT will also support the establishment of local hubs for AI startups in collaboration with the New York Global AI Frontier Lab and facilitate the global expansion of AI and digital industries through digital export delegations targeting regions such as ASEAN and the Middle East.
➋ Securing Leadership in Advanced Biotechnology, Quantum Science, and Other National Strategic Technologies
The MSIT aims to secure global leadership and establish industrialization foundations in national strategic technologies such as advanced biotechnology and quantum science. In addition, the ministry will foster new industries, including future energy and space exploration.
A National Bio Committee will be launched, consolidating public and private sector capabilities. To institutionalize support for core technologies, the ministry will promote the enactment of the Synthetic Biology Promotion Act. Furthermore, the AI-driven Bio Innovation Strategy will be formulated to transition research paradigms from traditional repetitive experimentation to AI- and data-driven methodologies. The establishment of the Public Biofoundry will drive technological innovation in key fields such as bio-manufacturing.
The MSIT will develop a Five-Year Comprehensive Plan for Quantum Science (to be announced in the second half of 2025) and initiate large-scale R&D projects, including the development of a 1,000-qubit quantum computer.
To address the surging electricity demand in the AI era, the ministry will promote a next-generation nuclear reactor project through public-private collaboration. Additionally, the fourth launch of the Nuri rocket is planned for the fourth quarter of 2025, and efforts to develop reusable launch vehicles will commence under private-sector leadership.
The ministry will establish robust partnerships with leading technological nations to swiftly secure core strategic technologies. To foster new industries and address related areas such as trade and security, the MSIT will restructure support frameworks to comprehensively integrate these elements.
To stimulate investment, the Science and Technology Innovation Fund will aim to mobilize over KRW 1 trillion in private sector contributions between 2025 and 2028. Special support measures will also be enhanced for companies possessing strategic technologies to accelerate innovation and growth.
➌ Creating a Government-wide Technology Commercialization Ecosystem
To build an ecosystem where R&D outcomes seamlessly lead to commercialization, the MSIT will innovate the National Technology Commercialization Platform and spearhead commercialization efforts as a unified cross-ministerial "One Team."
The ministry plans to draft a tentatively named National R&D Commercialization Strategy by the first quarter of 2025. To consolidate public and private sector capabilities, a cross-ministerial public-private consultative body will be established.
The expertise of Technology Licensing Offices (TLOs) in government-funded research institutes and specialized science and technology institutes will be strengthened. The ministry will also reform public sector support functions by fostering integrated technology commercialization companies.
Evaluation systems for research institutions and researchers will be improved to create a commercialization-friendly environment. This includes expanding incentives for researchers actively participating in technology transfer and startups.
Furthermore, the MSIT will integrate and coordinate investment and support functions across ministries to establish a seamless cross-ministerial support system that provides continuous assistance at all stages of growth—ranging from technological development to startups and global expansion.
➍ Accelerating the Shift to a Pioneering R&D System
The MSIT will accelerate the transition to a pioneering R&D system to deliver tangible results in key areas and enhance Korea’s global standing in science and technology, as well as digital diplomacy.
Investments in 12 core national strategic technologies will be expanded to account for 35% of total government R&D funding by 2027. The MSIT, acting as the cross-ministerial Chief Technology Officer (CTO), will establish optimal investment strategies for critical areas, including the three major game-changing technologies. For AI and biotechnology, the ministry will conduct advance reviews of inter-ministerial collaboration plans to enhance investment efficiency.
To ensure flexible and timely R&D efforts, the MSIT will continue to eliminate preliminary feasibility studies for certain projects and pursue exceptions to fiscal year alignment. Additionally, the ministry will expedite the enactment of the Research Administration and Service Advancement Act to improve the efficiency of research management.
An open planning system will be applied across the entire R&D cycle—from planning to evaluation and management—by leveraging academic societies. The pool of evaluators will be expanded to include over 100 foreign scientists and 60,000 industry experts (up from the current 47,000), improving the expertise and diversity of evaluations.
The MSIT will strengthen technology security partnerships with the new administration in the US through high-level channels such as the Joint Science and Technology Committee and promote initiatives like the Trans-Pacific Research Cooperation Initiative to solidify Korea’s position as a leading nation in science and technology on the global stage.
To enhance global R&D strategy, the ministry will establish a dedicated team within a specialized agency to provide legal and administrative advice related to international R&D. It will also formulate a Global R&D 2.0 Strategy to strengthen the strategic alignment of global cooperation. In collaboration with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the MSIT will develop a Science and Technology Diplomacy Initiative and pursue the enactment of the Act on the Promotion of International Cooperation in Science and Technology.
➎ Qualitative Transformation of Basic Research and Innovation in Government-funded Research Institutes
The MSIT will strengthen the intrinsic purpose of basic research—exploration and expansion of knowledge—and develop government-funded research institutes into pivotal hubs for national strategic technology R&D.
A record-high budget of 2.93 trillion KRW will be allocated to basic research in 2025 and executed promptly. This funding will provide more opportunities for researchers across diverse academic fields, particularly young researchers. Stable selection rates will be ensured annually to enhance predictability and stability in research funding.
University-affiliated research institutes will receive integrated support packages to function as interdisciplinary research hubs, improving the research competitiveness of universities.
Government-funded research institutes will be designated as “National Science and Technology Research Labs” (by the first half of 2025) to play central roles in fulfilling national missions as strategic technology hubs. Flexibility will also be introduced in the planning and implementation phases of research to support the achievement of large-scale outcomes.
The MSIT plans to designate approximately 10 new Global Top Strategic Research Groups in 2025. It will also expand collaboration and openness among government-funded research institutes while promoting cooperation between universities and industries including personnel exchanges and joint research.
➏ Fostering the Growth and Pursuit of Excellence in Exceptional Talent
The MSIT will support the development and success of science, technology, and digital talent while creating new opportunities for young individuals through AI and software education, as well as employment and entrepreneurship initiatives.
Economic support for graduate students in STEM fields, such as the stipend program, will be expanded to enable them to focus on studies and research. Funding will be allocated to cultivate top talent, including KRW 60 billion for outstanding early-career AI researchers and KRW 599 billion for master’s and doctoral students in strategic technology fields in 2025.
To prevent career interruptions among women scientists, substitute workforce support will be significantly increased (KRW 55 billion in 2024 → 83 billion in 2025). The National Distinguished Researcher Program will be established at government-funded research institutes to attract top researchers and provide extraordinary support. Additionally, researchers' compensation for technology royalties will be increased from the current minimum of 50% to over 60%.
The MSIT will support the creation of approximately 12,000 youth jobs in science, technology, and digital fields. In collaboration with the Ministry of Employment and Labor, re-education programs linking AI and software education to employment will be expanded.
Additionally, to address industrial demand, the ministry will foster master's-level talent for advanced industries beyond university enrollment quotas. This program, developed in collaboration with the Ministry of Education, will receive a budget allocation of KRW 15 billion in 2025 and focus on preparing graduates for direct employment in cutting-edge sectors.
The ministry will also continue to support youth internships, postdoctoral hiring, end-to-end entrepreneurship assistance in AI and software fields, and career development for care leavers in digital industries. Furthermore, initiatives to cultivate digital content creators will remain a priority.
➐ Creating a Compassionate Digital Society for Public Welfare
The Digital Welfare Promotion Task Force will continue its operations to provide comprehensive support for public welfare and ensure the digital rights of citizens, including reducing the burden of household telecommunication costs.
The MSIT will promote win-win cooperation between platform providers, telecom companies, and small businesses. To expand sales channels for small businesses, legislative measures, such as institutionalizing “regional channel commerce broadcasts” through cable TV (via an amendment to the Broadcasting Act), will be pursued. In collaboration with other ministries, including a memorandum of understanding (MoU) with the Ministry of SMEs and Startups signed in December 2024, the MSIT will assist small businesses with AI and digital capacity building, market development, and financial support for growth.
To simplify consumer choices and reduce costs, the MSIT will introduce integrated pricing plans and implement a notification system for optimal pricing options (via an amendment to the Telecommunications Business Act). Follow-up measures related to the repeal of the Mobile Device Distribution Improvement Act will also be executed without delay.
To enhance the competitiveness of MVNOs (mobile virtual network operators), the MSIT will develop a strengthening plan by January 2025, including measures such as reducing wholesale charges and introducing more affordable MVNO plans. Efforts to improve the reliability of small-scale MVNOs will also be strengthened.
Building on the Digital Inclusion Act (enacted in December 2024), the MSIT will develop a “Digital Inclusion Society 2.0” Strategy by the first quarter of 2025 to advance digital inclusion policies. Additionally, the ministry will establish a real-time three-way video emergency call system for 119 services to assist individuals with hearing and speech disabilities.
➑ Ensuring Digital Safety for Public Confidence
The MSIT will enhance and refine a reliable digital safety system that operates 24/7 to address digital disasters and cyber threats, which not only inconvenience the public but also pose risks to the foundation of the economy and society.
The Comprehensive Life-Cycle Disaster Management System, developed in response to major digital disasters, will be operationalized on-site. The ministry will also propose the Digital Safety Act (targeted for the second half of 2025) to clarify responsibilities for digital safety management and address emerging types of disasters.
To counter the increasing scale and complexity of cyber threats, the MSIT will operate a 24-hour monitoring system and deploy Cyber Spider, an AI-based system for analyzing threat information, to modernize and enhance response capabilities.
The ministry will establish a Digital Safety Management Council, encouraging voluntary safety practices by domestic businesses. Collaborative governance will also be strengthened by engaging relevant ministries, local governments, and enterprises to enhance the information security capabilities of local businesses and foster skilled professionals in this area.
As part of follow-up measures under the Digital Services Public Welfare Task Force (launched in October 2024), fundamental countermeasures will be implemented to eliminate digital crimes such as voice phishing and smishing.
➒ Driving Regional Innovation Through Science and Technology
The MSIT will establish region-led ecosystems for science and technology innovation and strengthen local economies by leveraging scientific and technological advancements.
The ministry will pursue the enactment of the Regional Science and Technology Innovation Act and develop a Regional Innovation Ecosystem Development Strategy by the second half of 2025 to promote autonomous, region-led innovation.
Through research park funds and regional R&D support, the ministry aims to foster research institute-affiliated companies that utilize outstanding public technologies, nurturing them into flagship enterprises representing their regions.
Efforts will be focused on accelerating AX initiatives (AI transformation) in regional strategic sectors, particularly in non-metropolitan AI and software hubs such as Daegu and Gwangju. Additionally, regional AI leadership projects, expansions of information security clusters, and solutions for local challenges through Regional Digital Innovation Projects will be promoted. Support for smart villages will also be expanded.
Minister Yoo Sang-im stated, “To secure leadership in the global competition for technological supremacy and position Korea as a leading nation, it is crucial to achieve the goal of becoming one of the top three AI powerhouses, lead the digital transformation, and pioneer the future with robust science and technology.”
He added, “The MSIT will make unwavering investments, provide steadfast support for advanced technologies and nurture talent in science and digital fields to enhance Korea’s growth potential, and mobilize all available resources to support public welfare.”
For further information, please contact the Public Relations Division (Phone: +82-44-202-4034, E-mail: msitmedia@korea.kr) of the Ministry of Science and ICT.
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